Archive | August, 2010

#KenyaDecides; Ballot Affairs

3 Aug

“Small is the number that sees with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.” Albert  Einstein.

Tomorrow voters in Kenya will be called to take to the booth once again to exercise their right to democracy. Given the history of democracy (or lack thereof) in Kenya, especially in the 2008 elections, it is understandable that there shall be some voters who will be hesitant to go to the ballot. But there as those who will vote.

I hope that Kenyans who take to the ballot will vote consciously and soberly. I hope that voters will cast their votes based on their personal thoughts and beliefs on the proposed constitution. It will be a sad day, when all the hype has died down, for one to look back at the state of affairs they chose to support and regret their decision.

I will not cast my vote because of what a politician said (especially not because of what a Kenyan politician says). I will not cast my vote because of what my friend whispered. I will not cast my vote based on the numerous philosopolitical debates I have heard in bars and coffee houses. I will cast my vote because I believe in my stand. Because I personally believe my chosen stand is best for me and for the future of this country. I respect also, the choices of those around me and shall not vilify anyone who takes a stand that is contrary to mine.

I leave you with this gem from Albert Einstein that echoes my own thoughts as regards this constitutional affair “May the conscience and the common sense of the people be awakened that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations…”

Happy voting wananchi.